Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why I love my wife reason #9

                  Ever since I was a small child nothing was more soothing than the cuddle of someone else. I have always enjoyed being wrapped in the arms of someone. That is why I have come to reason #9!

                                                      You are the best cuddle partner!
                 Nothing brightens my day more than when I see my wife peer over the end of the couch asking me with a soft voice and warm eyes "come cuddle with me"! I have never told her his but she melts my heart when she does this. I enjoy her soft touch and her firm hold. She is the perfect cuddling partner I could ask for. I love laying in bed knowing that I will wake up to her wrapped around me. She is always inviting me to cuddle and it becomes hard for me to ever say no because I just love it so much. Sometimes I purposely pick fights with her because I know at the end there is going to be a nice long cuddle session waiting for me! Guilty as charged! All I know is I look forward to cold winter nights, romantic movies, early bed times, afternoon naps on the couch because at some point my beautiful wife is going to ask if we can cuddle and I will get to say yes! I love you cuddles and all!

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