Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why I love my wife reason #2

             So those of you who read my first post, I told you I was going to spend the next 100 days listing 100 reasons why I love my wife. So here is reason number 2.

                                                         You mothered my children
             Let me rewind time and take you back to my first date with this incredible woman. We went to a movie and at the time I was recently divorced from my first marriage. I happened to have Zoey my daughter with me and was not able to find a sitter. Kim without skipping a beat said bring her along. There I was on my first date with this amazing woman and a 9 month old baby girl in my arms, I was thinking there is no way I am going to win this woman over with a baby in the movies. Half way through the movie Zoey wakes up looks at Kim reaches for Kim and climbs into Kim's arms. For the remainder of the movie I was no longer watching the big screen but watching my life unfold before my eyes. At that moment watching how loving, and caring she was towards a child that was not from her womb, I knew this woman would be mine forever.
             Now from this point Kim became Mommy to Zoey without Zoey ever feeling forced to call her that. It was my wife's actions and the things she did for Zoey out of love that earned her that title. After being married for over a year we were given a blessing of a beautiful little boy Gavin. This little boy would change our lives forever. He is so gifted and so smart that he gives us a new set of challenges that my wife grasps and tackles these challenges with ease. I remember the day that he was born and we had decided a name completely for him. And as he lay in her arms and looking my beautiful wife in the eyes caressing her tired face and wiping the tears from her eyes we knew exactly what to name him. This was another defining moment in my. Life where I knew just how special this girl would be to me and how she had been selected to build a family with and for me.
             We later found ourselves again awaiting another beautiful little boy, Tanner and holy cow were we in for some fun now. But it was having him come into our lives that pushed us to make a change that will not only change our lives but our whole family's. Through all of these challenges not once has my wife ever complained about the full time job she has as mother. Not once did she complained about having to care for a girl who she didn't give birth to. If you ask Kim who are your kids Zoey will always come in that list. She has a genuine love for all her children. She is a true example for what every mom should be. And for that I fall in love with her more and more every day!

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